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Lilja 4-ever(2002)

  • Genre:
    • Crime
    • Drama
  • Director:
    • Lukas Moodysson

Lilja is 16 years old. Her only friend is the young boy Volodja. They live in Estonia, fantasizing about a better life. One day, Lilja falls in love with Andrej. He is going to Sweden, and invites Lilja to come along and start a new life.


Written by olympiquetango on 11.05.2011

How long can you stay clean in a dirty world?
Loud music. A girl running. Tears in her eyes and despair. And blood on her young face. Hectic shots give you the feeling of panic, misery. The drama. Rammstein is singing “Mein Herz brennt”. Lilja is done. Motorway bridge. Jump or not?

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