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  • Genre:
    • Drama
    • Comedy
  • Director:
    • Benoît Delépine, Gustave de Kervern

Mr Vives is not fond of the lazy farmer's hand who keeps blocking the road with his large harvester, so he gets back at him, and the farmer's hand gets back at Mr Vives, and round and round it goes. Until one day, when this causes Mr Vives to lose his job and come back early to discover his wife in bed with another man.


Written by schnaeckerdt on 23.10.2009

There's something about belgium movies. Being from the Netherlands I always get a bit jealous. Why isn't it possible for our country to produce some descent films?
Anyway, this movie is another belgium masterpiece.
Giving away the ending would be lame, so I just say this to the people who haven't

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8.17 / 10



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